Monday, May 23, 2011

Summer is almost here. :o) :0D :o} :o)

Hi everyone, summer is almost here it's going to be exciting swimming, sports & more. It's gonna to be great. To think we are right in the middle of spring this is so cool. & don't forget the bugs are going to be out again, get the bug spray out(this is the bugs : ah ah ah ah ah ah) & the rabbits are coming out to you know, just think you will be seeing teeth marks in your spinach & other vegetables in your garden. The bunny's will have a feast so watch out for rabbit paw prints in your yard. But the best part about summer is the flowers,bees & butterflies.
I have to run now bye ;O)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The space shuttle Endeavour's last launch. :o( :o(

Hello I just want to tell you about Endeavours launch. Well I feel the same way when the Discovery had her last flight & landing. The Endeavours launch on Monday the 16TH is the 25Th flight & her 6Th trip to the International Space Station the crew is there to attach something to the station. I don't know what but it's supposed to be important. & they are going on 4 space walks. It's a 16 day mission but I know they can do it because they are well trained & are experienced enough that they know what to do. So any way I love space shuttles very much & I'm sad because after the Atlantis go's up there won't be any more shuttles going up because they don't have enough money to keep doing it . So I just have to be thankful I get to see the Discovery, Endeavour & Atlantis go up on their last missions & maybe some day there will be more shuttles that I one day may ride in one & do a mission up in the International space station. & spend a month in the station to do research & explore space.But for right now I must be happy with them still here & one more to go, then it's just books for now & I hope they make it home safely. Okay. bye :0) :o)

Friday, May 13, 2011

To those who want to join the P.U.Y.T.P club {:0) (LOCAL)

Hello to all who read My blog . Today I am going to give you more information about the registration for the club, in the last post I told those who want to join can comment Me on the comment link underneath the post.I need to hear from those who want to be in the club because I sent the application form to the Tree Musketeers last week & it could be any day now that I will receive a letter back. I'll tell you what's on the registration form I need your: name, age,address,city,state & zip code . It would be nice if you can give Me your phone number too. I'll also need your t-shirt size & a payment of 5.00 for the shirt (payment due at first meeting) & I also need to know what design you want for your shirt but remember it has to be Eco -friendly like trees, flowers, bugs , etc. & I'll need to know if you have allergy's to food because I'm making snacks for the members who come.Oh, I almost forgot I also need to know what's your favorite color is because whoever joins the club gets their name painted on the back of the shirt in that color they chose from cool huh?& I'll also have a drawing for our flag bearer & whoever I pick will also get a medal to be earth-saver for the day. we are also going to make calender box's please bring old calender photos (if you have any) & tape because that will make the box's last longer.Were also having a party on the first meeting plus a pinata full of candy& silly bands & other little things.We are also going to make beach glass jewelry please bring beach glass, jewelery bails,cord,jewelry cement, & scissors. The last thing were making is cool cut & paste bottles & jars please bring used bottles & jars,old magazines & fabric scraps,decoupage glue,a glue brush,sandpaper. thank you.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

My club the P.U.Y.T.P pick up your trash please.

Hi today I'm going to tell you about my club the P.U.Y.T.P Pick Up Your Trash Please. So here's how it all started I think it was a week ago. I wrote to the Tree Musketeers about starting a new club, so on Friday the 6Th I received a letter back from them & guess what, they thought that my letter was great & they also thought that P.U.Y.T.P sounded like a excellent club . So that's when I started making registration forms & now I already got 6 members, Dominique is going to be my 7Th member of the club She also started a group called The Triple "R"group it is odd that Me & Her started clubs at the same time & at the same moment cool huh. & frankly to Me I thought it was kinda cool that we both started clubs together. & so thats how it all started. If you want to join the club or ask Me questions about the club & what we do, please when you read My blog comment Me & I'll help you with it.